Statistical, Machine Learning and Neural Forecasting methods

In this notebook, you will make forecasts for the M5 dataset choosing the best model for each time series using cross validation.

Statistical, Machine Learning, and Neural Forecasting Methods In this tutorial, we will explore the process of forecasting on the M5 dataset by utilizing the most suitable model for each time series. We’ll accomplish this through an essential technique known as cross-validation. This approach helps us in estimating the predictive performance of our models, and in selecting the model that yields the best performance for each time series.

The M5 dataset comprises of hierarchical sales data, spanning five years, from Walmart. The aim is to forecast daily sales for the next 28 days. The dataset is broken down into the 50 states of America, with 10 stores in each state.

In the realm of time series forecasting and analysis, one of the more complex tasks is identifying the model that is optimally suited for a specific group of series. Quite often, this selection process leans heavily on intuition, which may not necessarily align with the empirical reality of our dataset.

In this tutorial, we aim to provide a more structured, data-driven approach to model selection for different groups of series within the M5 benchmark dataset. This dataset, well-known in the field of forecasting, allows us to showcase the versatility and power of our methodology.

We will train an assortment of models from various forecasting paradigms:



Machine Learning: Leveraging ML models like LightGBM, XGBoost, and LinearRegression can be advantageous due to their capacity to uncover intricate patterns in data. We’ll use the MLForecast library for this purpose.


Deep Learning: DL models, such as Transformers (AutoTFT) and Neural Networks (AutoNHITS), allow us to handle complex non-linear dependencies in time series data. We’ll utilize the NeuralForecast library for these models.

Using the Nixtla suite of libraries, we’ll be able to drive our model selection process with data, ensuring we utilize the most suitable models for specific groups of series in our dataset.



This tutorial was originally executed using a c5d.24xlarge EC2 instance.

Installing Libraries

!pip install statsforecast mlforecast neuralforecast datasetforecast s3fs pyarrow

Download and prepare data

The example uses the M5 dataset. It consists of 30,490 bottom time series.

import pandas as pd
# Load the training target dataset from the provided URL
Y_df = pd.read_parquet('../Data/target.parquet')
#Y_df = pd.read_parquet('')

# Rename columns to match the Nixtlaverse's expectations
# The 'item_id' becomes 'unique_id' representing the unique identifier of the time series
# The 'timestamp' becomes 'ds' representing the time stamp of the data points
# The 'demand' becomes 'y' representing the target variable we want to forecast
Y_df = Y_df.rename(columns={
    'item_id': 'unique_id', 
    'timestamp': 'ds', 
    'demand': 'y'

# Convert the 'ds' column to datetime format to ensure proper handling of date-related operations in subsequent steps
Y_df['ds'] = pd.to_datetime(Y_df['ds'])
unique_id ds y
0 FOODS_1_001_CA_1 2011-01-29 3.0
1 FOODS_1_001_CA_1 2011-01-30 0.0
2 FOODS_1_001_CA_1 2011-01-31 0.0
3 FOODS_1_001_CA_1 2011-02-01 1.0
4 FOODS_1_001_CA_1 2011-02-02 4.0
... ... ... ...
46796215 HOUSEHOLD_2_516_WI_3 2016-05-18 0.0
46796216 HOUSEHOLD_2_516_WI_3 2016-05-19 0.0
46796217 HOUSEHOLD_2_516_WI_3 2016-05-20 0.0
46796218 HOUSEHOLD_2_516_WI_3 2016-05-21 0.0
46796219 HOUSEHOLD_2_516_WI_3 2016-05-22 0.0

46796220 rows × 3 columns

For simplicity sake we will keep just one category

Y_df = Y_df.query('unique_id.str.startswith("FOODS_3_001")').reset_index(drop=True)

Y_df['unique_id'] = Y_df['unique_id'].astype(str)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 18758 entries, 0 to 18757
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------     --------------  -----         
 0   unique_id  18758 non-null  object        
 1   ds         18758 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 2   y          18758 non-null  float32       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float32(1), object(1)
memory usage: 366.5+ KB
df = pd.DataFrame()
test = pd.DataFrame()
horizon = 28

for a in Y_df.unique_id.unique():
    length = len(Y_df.query(f'unique_id.str.startswith("{a}")'))
    df_sub = Y_df.query(f'unique_id.str.startswith("{a}")')[:length - horizon]
    test_sub = Y_df.query(f'unique_id.str.startswith("{a}")')[length - 2 * horizon:]
    df = pd.concat([df, df_sub], ignore_index=True)
    test = pd.concat([test, test_sub], ignore_index=True)
    newlength = len(df.query(f'unique_id.str.startswith("{a}")'))
    print(f'{a} : {length} and {newlength}')
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 : 1941 and 1913
FOODS_3_001_CA_2 : 1936 and 1908
FOODS_3_001_CA_3 : 1941 and 1913
FOODS_3_001_CA_4 : 1936 and 1908
FOODS_3_001_TX_1 : 1940 and 1912
FOODS_3_001_TX_2 : 1938 and 1910
FOODS_3_001_TX_3 : 1940 and 1912
FOODS_3_001_WI_1 : 1305 and 1277
FOODS_3_001_WI_2 : 1940 and 1912
FOODS_3_001_WI_3 : 1941 and 1913

Basic Plotting

Plot some series using the plot method from the StatsForecast class. This method prints 8 random series from the dataset and is useful for basic EDA.

from statsforecast import StatsForecast
# Feature: plot random series for EDA
StatsForecast.plot(df, test)

Create forecasts with Stats, Ml and Neural methods.


StatsForecast is a comprehensive library providing a suite of popular univariate time series forecasting models, all designed with a focus on high performance and scalability.

Here’s what makes StatsForecast a powerful tool for time series forecasting:

  • Collection of Local Models: StatsForecast provides a diverse collection of local models that can be applied to each time series individually, allowing us to capture unique patterns within each series.

  • Simplicity: With StatsForecast, training, forecasting, and backtesting multiple models become a straightforward process, requiring only a few lines of code. This simplicity makes it a convenient tool for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

  • Optimized for Speed: The implementation of the models in StatsForecast is optimized for speed, ensuring that large-scale computations are performed efficiently, thereby reducing the overall time for model training and prediction.

  • Horizontal Scalability: One of the distinguishing features of StatsForecast is its ability to scale horizontally. It is compatible with distributed computing frameworks such as Spark, Dask, and Ray. This feature allows it to handle large datasets by distributing the computations across multiple nodes in a cluster, making it a go-to solution for large-scale time series forecasting tasks.

StatsForecast receives a list of models to fit each time series. Since we are dealing with Daily data, it would be benefitial to use 7 as seasonality.

# Import necessary models from the statsforecast library
from statsforecast.models import (
    # SeasonalNaive: A model that uses the previous season's data as the forecast
    # Naive: A simple model that uses the last observed value as the forecast
    # HistoricAverage: This model uses the average of all historical data as the forecast
    # CrostonOptimized: A model specifically designed for intermittent demand forecasting
    # ADIDA: Adaptive combination of Intermittent Demand Approaches, a model designed for intermittent demand
    # IMAPA: Intermittent Multiplicative AutoRegressive Average, a model for intermittent series that incorporates autocorrelation
    # AutoETS: Automated Exponential Smoothing model that automatically selects the best Exponential Smoothing model based on AIC
from statsforecast.utils import ConformalIntervals
/home/ben/mambaforge/envs/cfast/lib/python3.11/site-packages/statsforecast/ TqdmExperimentalWarning: Using `tqdm.autonotebook.tqdm` in notebook mode. Use `tqdm.tqdm` instead to force console mode (e.g. in jupyter console)
  from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

We fit the models by instantiating a new StatsForecast object with the following parameters:

  • models: a list of models. Select the models you want from models and import them.
  • freq: a string indicating the frequency of the data. (See panda’s available frequencies.)
  • n_jobs: int, number of jobs used in the parallel processing, use -1 for all cores.
  • fallback_model: a model to be used if a model fails. Any settings are passed into the constructor. Then you call its fit method and pass in the historical data frame.
intervals = ConformalIntervals(h=horizon, n_windows=2)
models = [
# Instantiate the StatsForecast class
sf = StatsForecast(
    models=models,  # A list of models to be used for forecasting
    freq='D',  # The frequency of the time series data (in this case, 'D' stands for daily frequency)
    n_jobs=10,  # The number of CPU cores to use for parallel execution (-1 means use all available cores)
    verbose = True

The forecast method takes two arguments: forecasts next h (horizon) and level.

  • h (int): represents the forecast h steps into the future. In this case, 12 months ahead.
  • level (list of floats): this optional parameter is used for probabilistic forecasting. Set the level (or confidence percentile) of your prediction interval. For example, level=[90] means that the model expects the real value to be inside that interval 90% of the times.

The forecast object here is a new data frame that includes a column with the name of the model and the y hat values, as well as columns for the uncertainty intervals.

This block of code times how long it takes to run the forecasting function of the StatsForecast class, which predicts the next 28 days (h=28). The level is set to [90], meaning it will compute the 90% prediction interval. The time is calculated in minutes and printed out at the end.

from time import time

# Get the current time before forecasting starts, this will be used to measure the execution time
init = time()

# Call the forecast method of the StatsForecast instance to predict the next 28 days (h=28) 
# Level is set to [90], which means that it will compute the 90% prediction interval
fcst_df = sf.forecast(df=df, 

# Get the current time after the forecasting ends
end = time()

# Calculate and print the total time taken for the forecasting in minutes
print(f'Forecast Minutes: {(end - init) / 60}')
#Forecast Minutes: 0.7311509331067403
Forecast Minutes: 0.8084765871365865
ds SeasonalNaive SeasonalNaive-lo-90 SeasonalNaive-hi-90 Naive Naive-lo-90 Naive-hi-90 HistoricAverage HistoricAverage-lo-90 HistoricAverage-hi-90 ... CrostonOptimized-hi-90 ADIDA ADIDA-lo-90 ADIDA-hi-90 IMAPA IMAPA-lo-90 IMAPA-hi-90 AutoETS AutoETS-lo-90 AutoETS-hi-90
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-25 2.0 0.00 4.00 1.0 0.00 2.00 0.452692 0.000000 0.905384 ... 1.107222 0.56904 0.000000 1.138079 0.555747 0.000000 1.111494 0.611209 -1.015629e-08 1.222419
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-26 0.0 -0.85 0.85 1.0 0.15 1.85 0.452692 -0.080423 0.985808 ... 1.091138 0.56904 0.020712 1.117367 0.555747 0.016724 1.094770 0.519098 5.729341e-03 1.032466
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-27 0.0 -0.85 0.85 1.0 0.15 1.85 0.452692 -0.080423 0.985808 ... 1.091138 0.56904 0.020712 1.117367 0.555747 0.016724 1.094770 0.567324 2.019713e-02 1.114451
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-28 1.0 0.15 1.85 1.0 0.15 1.85 0.452692 -0.080423 0.985808 ... 1.091138 0.56904 0.020712 1.117367 0.555747 0.016724 1.094770 0.410421 -1.522845e-01 0.973126
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-29 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.0 0.00 2.00 0.452692 0.000000 0.905384 ... 1.107222 0.56904 0.000000 1.138079 0.555747 0.000000 1.111494 0.540213 -3.345982e-09 1.080427

5 rows × 22 columns

StatsForecast.plot(test, fcst_df, engine = 'plotly')


MLForecast is a powerful library that provides automated feature creation for time series forecasting, facilitating the use of global machine learning models. It is designed for high performance and scalability.

Key features of MLForecast include:

  • Support for sklearn models: MLForecast is compatible with models that follow the scikit-learn API. This makes it highly flexible and allows it to seamlessly integrate with a wide variety of machine learning algorithms.

  • Simplicity: With MLForecast, the tasks of training, forecasting, and backtesting models can be accomplished in just a few lines of code. This streamlined simplicity makes it user-friendly for practitioners at all levels of expertise.

  • Optimized for speed: MLForecast is engineered to execute tasks rapidly, which is crucial when handling large datasets and complex models.

  • Horizontal Scalability: MLForecast is capable of horizontal scaling using distributed computing frameworks such as Spark, Dask, and Ray. This feature enables it to efficiently process massive datasets by distributing the computations across multiple nodes in a cluster, making it ideal for large-scale time series forecasting tasks.

from mlforecast import MLForecast
from mlforecast.target_transforms import Differences
from mlforecast.utils import PredictionIntervals
from window_ops.expanding import expanding_mean
!pip install lightgbm xgboost
# Import the necessary models from various libraries

# LGBMRegressor: A gradient boosting framework that uses tree-based learning algorithms from the LightGBM library
from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor

# XGBRegressor: A gradient boosting regressor model from the XGBoost library
from xgboost import XGBRegressor

# LinearRegression: A simple linear regression model from the scikit-learn library
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
# Instantiate the MLForecast object
mlf = MLForecast(
    models=[LGBMRegressor(), XGBRegressor(), LinearRegression()],  # List of models for forecasting: LightGBM, XGBoost and Linear Regression
    freq='D',  # Frequency of the data - 'D' for daily frequency
    lags=list(range(1, 7)),  # Specific lags to use as regressors: 1 to 6 days
    lag_transforms = {
        1:  [expanding_mean],  # Apply expanding mean transformation to the lag of 1 day
    date_features=['year', 'month', 'day', 'dayofweek', 'quarter', 'week'],  # Date features to use as regressors

Just call the fit models to train the select models. In this case we are generating conformal prediction intervals.

# Start the timer to calculate the time taken for fitting the models
init = time()

# Fit the MLForecast models to the data, with prediction intervals set using a window size of 28 days, prediction_intervals=PredictionIntervals(h=horizon, n_windows=2))

# Calculate the end time after fitting the models
end = time()

# Print the time taken to fit the MLForecast models, in minutes
print(f'MLForecast Minutes: {(end - init) / 60}')
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing row-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.001585 seconds.
You can set `force_row_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
And if memory is not enough, you can set `force_col_wise=true`.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 469
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 17858, number of used features: 13
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 0.526375
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing row-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.000635 seconds.
You can set `force_row_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
And if memory is not enough, you can set `force_col_wise=true`.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 469
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 18418, number of used features: 13
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 0.531328
MLForecast Minutes: 0.06777082284291586

After that, just call predict to generate forecasts.

fcst_mlf_df = mlf.predict(horizon,
unique_id ds LGBMRegressor XGBRegressor LinearRegression
0 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-25 0.810128 0.099661 0.122907
1 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-26 0.881765 0.062783 0.140931
2 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-27 0.462391 -0.064804 0.167513
3 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-28 0.453431 -0.084136 0.199248
4 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-29 0.376807 0.018470 0.223721
StatsForecast.plot(test, fcst_mlf_df, engine = 'plotly')


NeuralForecast is a robust collection of neural forecasting models that focuses on usability and performance. It includes a variety of model architectures, from classic networks such as Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to novel contributions like N-BEATS, N-HITS, Temporal Fusion Transformers (TFT), and more.

Key features of NeuralForecast include:

  • A broad collection of global models. Out of the box implementation of MLP, LSTM, RNN, TCN, DilatedRNN, NBEATS, NHITS, ESRNN, TFT, Informer, PatchTST and HINT.
  • A simple and intuitive interface that allows training, forecasting, and backtesting of various models in a few lines of code.
  • Support for GPU acceleration to improve computational speed.

This machine doesn’t have GPU, but Google Colabs offers some for free.

Using Colab’s GPU to train NeuralForecast.

# Read the results from Colab
fcst_nf_df = pd.read_parquet('')
#Y_df = pd.read_parquet('')
unique_id ds AutoNHITS AutoNHITS-lo-90 AutoNHITS-hi-90 AutoTFT AutoTFT-lo-90 AutoTFT-hi-90
0 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-05-23 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
1 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-05-24 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
2 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-05-25 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
3 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-05-26 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
4 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-05-27 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
# Merge the forecasts from StatsForecast and NeuralForecast
fcst_df = fcst_df.merge(fcst_nf_df, how='left', on=['unique_id', 'ds'])

# Merge the forecasts from MLForecast into the combined forecast dataframe
fcst_df = fcst_df.merge(fcst_mlf_df, how='left', on=['unique_id', 'ds'])
unique_id ds SeasonalNaive SeasonalNaive-lo-90 SeasonalNaive-hi-90 Naive Naive-lo-90 Naive-hi-90 HistoricAverage HistoricAverage-lo-90 ... AutoETS-hi-90 AutoNHITS AutoNHITS-lo-90 AutoNHITS-hi-90 AutoTFT AutoTFT-lo-90 AutoTFT-hi-90 LGBMRegressor XGBRegressor LinearRegression
0 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-25 2.0 0.00 4.00 1.0 0.00 2.00 0.452692 0.000000 ... 1.222419 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.810128 0.099661 0.122907
1 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-26 0.0 -0.85 0.85 1.0 0.15 1.85 0.452692 -0.080423 ... 1.032466 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.881765 0.062783 0.140931
2 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-27 0.0 -0.85 0.85 1.0 0.15 1.85 0.452692 -0.080423 ... 1.114451 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.462391 -0.064804 0.167513
3 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-28 1.0 0.15 1.85 1.0 0.15 1.85 0.452692 -0.080423 ... 0.973126 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.453431 -0.084136 0.199248
4 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-04-29 0.0 0.00 0.00 1.0 0.00 2.00 0.452692 0.000000 ... 1.080427 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.376807 0.018470 0.223721

5 rows × 32 columns

Forecast plots

sf.plot(Y_df, fcst_df, max_insample_length=28 * 3)

Use the plot function to explore models and ID’s

sf.plot(Y_df, fcst_df, max_insample_length=28 * 3, 
        models=['CrostonOptimized', 'AutoNHITS', 'SeasonalNaive', 'LGBMRegressor'])

Validate Model’s Performance

The three libraries - StatsForecast, MLForecast, and NeuralForecast - offer out-of-the-box cross-validation capabilities specifically designed for time series. This allows us to evaluate the model’s performance using historical data to obtain an unbiased assessment of how well each model is likely to perform on unseen data.

From the course of Modern Forecasting in Practice

Cross Validation in StatsForecast

The cross_validation method from the StatsForecast class accepts the following arguments:

  • df: A DataFrame representing the training data.
  • h (int): The forecast horizon, represented as the number of steps into the future that we wish to predict. For example, if we’re forecasting hourly data, h=24 would represent a 24-hour forecast.
  • step_size (int): The step size between each cross-validation window. This parameter determines how often we want to run the forecasting process.
  • n_windows (int): The number of windows used for cross validation. This parameter defines how many past forecasting processes we want to evaluate.

These parameters allow us to control the extent and granularity of our cross-validation process. By tuning these settings, we can balance between computational cost and the thoroughness of the cross-validation.

init = time()
cv_df = sf.cross_validation(df=Y_df, h=horizon, n_windows=3, step_size=horizon, level=[90])
end = time()
print(f'CV Minutes: {(end - init) / 60}')
CV Minutes: 1.091424548625946

The crossvaldation_df object is a new data frame that includes the following columns:

  • unique_id index: (If you dont like working with index just run forecasts_cv_df.resetindex())
  • ds: datestamp or temporal index
  • cutoff: the last datestamp or temporal index for the n_windows. If n_windows=1, then one unique cuttoff value, if n_windows=2 then two unique cutoff values.
  • y: true value
  • "model": columns with the model’s name and fitted value.
ds cutoff y SeasonalNaive SeasonalNaive-lo-90 SeasonalNaive-hi-90 Naive Naive-lo-90 Naive-hi-90 HistoricAverage ... CrostonOptimized-hi-90 ADIDA ADIDA-lo-90 ADIDA-hi-90 IMAPA IMAPA-lo-90 IMAPA-hi-90 AutoETS AutoETS-lo-90 AutoETS-hi-90
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-02-29 2016-02-28 0.0 2.0 0.15 3.85 0.0 -0.85 0.85 0.449111 ... 1.201402 0.618375 0.035513 1.201238 0.617998 0.035399 1.200596 0.655286 4.658565e-02 1.263985
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-01 2016-02-28 1.0 0.0 -1.70 1.70 0.0 -1.70 1.70 0.449111 ... 1.885541 0.618375 -0.648762 1.885513 0.617998 -0.649404 1.885399 0.568595 -7.333890e-01 1.870578
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-02 2016-02-28 1.0 0.0 -1.85 1.85 0.0 -1.85 1.85 0.449111 ... 1.850000 0.618375 -0.613249 1.850000 0.617998 -0.614005 1.850000 0.618805 -6.123903e-01 1.850000
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-03 2016-02-28 0.0 1.0 0.00 2.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.449111 ... 1.236943 0.618375 0.000000 1.236751 0.617998 0.000000 1.235995 0.455891 4.113969e-09 0.911781
FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-04 2016-02-28 0.0 1.0 0.00 2.00 0.0 -1.70 1.70 0.449111 ... 1.885541 0.618375 -0.648762 1.885513 0.617998 -0.649404 1.885399 0.591197 -6.949658e-01 1.877359

5 rows × 24 columns


The cross_validation method from the MLForecast class takes the following arguments.

  • data: training data frame
  • window_size (int): represents h steps into the future that are being forecasted. In this case, 24 hours ahead.
  • step_size (int): step size between each window. In other words: how often do you want to run the forecasting processes.
  • n_windows (int): number of windows used for cross-validation. In other words: what number of forecasting processes in the past do you want to evaluate.
  • prediction_intervals: class to compute conformal intervals.
init = time()
cv_mlf_df = mlf.cross_validation(
end = time()
print(f'CV Minutes: {(end - init) / 60}')
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing row-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.000634 seconds.
You can set `force_row_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
And if memory is not enough, you can set `force_col_wise=true`.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 469
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 17858, number of used features: 13
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 0.526375
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing row-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.000567 seconds.
You can set `force_row_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
And if memory is not enough, you can set `force_col_wise=true`.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 469
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 18138, number of used features: 13
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 0.530047
[LightGBM] [Info] Auto-choosing row-wise multi-threading, the overhead of testing was 0.000540 seconds.
You can set `force_row_wise=true` to remove the overhead.
And if memory is not enough, you can set `force_col_wise=true`.
[LightGBM] [Info] Total Bins 469
[LightGBM] [Info] Number of data points in the train set: 18418, number of used features: 13
[LightGBM] [Info] Start training from score 0.531328
CV Minutes: 0.02442166805267334

The crossvaldation_df object is a new data frame that includes the following columns:

  • unique_id index: (If you dont like working with index just run forecasts_cv_df.resetindex())
  • ds: datestamp or temporal index
  • cutoff: the last datestamp or temporal index for the n_windows. If n_windows=1, then one unique cuttoff value, if n_windows=2 then two unique cutoff values.
  • y: true value
  • "model": columns with the model’s name and fitted value.
unique_id ds cutoff y LGBMRegressor XGBRegressor LinearRegression
0 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-02-29 2016-02-28 0.0 0.476516 0.073750 0.103426
1 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-01 2016-02-28 1.0 0.739830 0.035399 0.260099
2 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-02 2016-02-28 1.0 0.586140 0.007563 0.296629
3 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-03 2016-02-28 0.0 0.536099 -0.004784 0.328724
4 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-04 2016-02-28 0.0 0.601544 -0.025531 0.371325


This machine doesn’t have GPU, but Google Colabs offers some for free.

Using Colab’s GPU to train NeuralForecast.

cv_nf_df = pd.read_parquet('')
unique_id ds cutoff AutoNHITS AutoNHITS-lo-90 AutoNHITS-hi-90 AutoTFT AutoTFT-lo-90 AutoTFT-hi-90 y
0 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-02-29 2016-02-28 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
1 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-01 2016-02-28 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0
2 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-02 2016-02-28 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0
3 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-03 2016-02-28 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
4 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-04 2016-02-28 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0

Merge cross validation forecasts

cv_df = cv_df.merge(cv_nf_df.drop(columns=['y']), how='left', on=['unique_id', 'ds', 'cutoff'])
cv_df = cv_df.merge(cv_mlf_df.drop(columns=['y']), how='left', on=['unique_id', 'ds', 'cutoff'])

Plots CV

cutoffs = cv_df['cutoff'].unique()
for cutoff in cutoffs:
    img = sf.plot(
        cv_df.query('cutoff == @cutoff').drop(columns=['y', 'cutoff']), 
        max_insample_length=28 * 5, 

Aggregate Demand

agg_cv_df = cv_df.loc[:,~cv_df.columns.str.contains('hi|lo')].groupby(['ds', 'cutoff']).sum(numeric_only=True).reset_index()
agg_cv_df.insert(0, 'unique_id', 'agg_demand')
agg_Y_df = Y_df.groupby(['ds']).sum(numeric_only=True).reset_index()
agg_Y_df.insert(0, 'unique_id', 'agg_demand')
for cutoff in cutoffs:
    img = sf.plot(
        agg_cv_df.query('cutoff == @cutoff').drop(columns=['y', 'cutoff']),
        max_insample_length=28 * 5,

Evaluation per series and CV window

In this section, we will evaluate the performance of each model for each time series and each cross validation window. Since we have many combinations, we will use dask to parallelize the evaluation. The parallelization will be done using fugue.

from typing import List, Callable

from distributed import Client
from fugue import transform
from fugue_dask import DaskExecutionEngine
from datasetsforecast.losses import mse, mae, smape

The evaluate function receives a unique combination of a time series and a window, and calculates different metrics for each model in df.

def evaluate(df: pd.DataFrame, metrics: List[Callable]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    eval_ = {}
    models = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('unique_id|y|ds|cutoff|lo|hi')].columns
    for model in models:
        eval_[model] = {}
        for metric in metrics:
            eval_[model][metric.__name__] = metric(df['y'], df[model])
    eval_df = pd.DataFrame(eval_).rename_axis('metric').reset_index()
    eval_df.insert(0, 'cutoff', df['cutoff'].iloc[0])
    eval_df.insert(0, 'unique_id', df['unique_id'].iloc[0])
    return eval_df
str_models = cv_df.loc[:, ~cv_df.columns.str.contains('unique_id|y|ds|cutoff|lo|hi')].columns
str_models = ','.join([f"{model}:float" for model in str_models])
cv_df['cutoff'] = cv_df['cutoff'].astype(str)
cv_df['unique_id'] = cv_df['unique_id'].astype(str)

Let’s cleate a dask client.

client = Client() # without this, dask is not in distributed mode
# fugue.dask.dataframe.default.partitions determines the default partitions for a new DaskDataFrame
engine = DaskExecutionEngine({"fugue.dask.dataframe.default.partitions": 96})

The transform function takes the evaluate functions and applies it to each combination of time series (unique_id) and cross validation window (cutoff) using the dask client we created before.

evaluation_df = transform(
    cv_df.loc[:, ~cv_df.columns.str.contains('lo|hi')], 
    params={'metrics': [mse, mae, smape]}, 
    schema=f"unique_id:str,cutoff:str,metric:str, {str_models}", 
    partition={'by': ['unique_id', 'cutoff']}
/home/ben/mambaforge/envs/cfast/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dask/dataframe/ UserWarning: You are using pyarrow version 12.0.1 which is known to be insecure. See for further details. Please upgrade to pyarrow>=14.0.1 or install pyarrow-hotfix to patch your current version.
/home/ben/mambaforge/envs/cfast/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dask/dataframe/ UserWarning: You are using pyarrow version 12.0.1 which is known to be insecure. See for further details. Please upgrade to pyarrow>=14.0.1 or install pyarrow-hotfix to patch your current version.
/home/ben/mambaforge/envs/cfast/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dask/dataframe/ UserWarning: You are using pyarrow version 12.0.1 which is known to be insecure. See for further details. Please upgrade to pyarrow>=14.0.1 or install pyarrow-hotfix to patch your current version.
/home/ben/mambaforge/envs/cfast/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dask/dataframe/ UserWarning: You are using pyarrow version 12.0.1 which is known to be insecure. See for further details. Please upgrade to pyarrow>=14.0.1 or install pyarrow-hotfix to patch your current version.
unique_id cutoff metric SeasonalNaive Naive HistoricAverage CrostonOptimized ADIDA IMAPA AutoETS AutoNHITS AutoTFT LGBMRegressor XGBRegressor LinearRegression
0 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-27 mse 2.0 0.857143 0.609448 0.649203 0.641414 0.674665 0.615575 0.857143 0.857143 0.611648 0.663199 0.598533
1 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-27 mae 1.0 0.785714 0.62914 0.701453 0.69575 0.7171 0.682166 0.785714 0.785714 0.674352 0.517375 0.59254
2 FOODS_3_001_CA_1 2016-03-27 smape 120.238098 136.90477 161.733765 148.482315 149.396652 146.06955 147.722168 136.90477 136.90477 143.217346 179.527222 166.670731
3 FOODS_3_001_CA_2 2016-02-28 mse 2.571429 2.357143 2.358604 2.285869 2.280574 2.286965 2.281743 2.678571 2.785714 2.396476 2.250315 2.479802
4 FOODS_3_001_CA_2 2016-02-28 mae 0.642857 1.142857 0.896868 0.976789 0.98991 0.97454 0.986573 0.821429 0.714286 1.093605 0.905789 0.883407
# Calculate the mean metric for each cross validation window
evaluation_df.groupby(['cutoff', 'metric']).mean(numeric_only=True)
SeasonalNaive Naive HistoricAverage CrostonOptimized ADIDA IMAPA AutoETS AutoNHITS AutoTFT LGBMRegressor XGBRegressor LinearRegression
cutoff metric
2016-02-28 mae 0.835714 0.721429 0.807745 0.797376 0.756887 0.757553 0.76293 0.678571 0.685714 0.840334 0.787216 0.798487
mse 1.985714 1.4 1.568773 1.381082 1.363623 1.387873 1.391179 1.428571 1.55 1.312784 1.631657 1.666233
smape 85.984131 83.268143 159.98056 150.941254 150.603729 151.213348 152.517731 75.515877 74.916672 144.99794 166.576538 166.23584
2016-03-27 mae 0.942857 0.685714 0.722005 0.80301 0.731083 0.726217 0.69309 0.728571 0.730357 0.871179 0.707606 0.699428
mse 2.564286 1.378571 1.202432 1.193963 1.13829 1.130871 1.077629 1.385714 1.375893 1.314976 1.135834 1.196972
smape 84.425171 89.159866 163.598099 156.133636 156.127029 155.551025 155.68808 82.819733 89.659866 154.666199 165.329605 165.570541
2016-04-24 mae 0.835714 0.678571 0.765896 0.756284 0.717147 0.719683 0.725428 0.591071 0.617857 0.847164 0.687518 0.751087
mse 2.6 1.835714 1.852598 1.657853 1.646621 1.65177 1.647888 1.76875 1.658929 1.847793 2.000684 1.938778
smape 77.323128 80.833336 161.604263 153.30835 153.582413 154.115997 155.562042 62.976189 70.452377 150.188019 176.644547 166.390579

Results showed in previous experiments.

model MSE
MQCNN 10.09
DeepAR-student_t 10.11
DeepAR-lognormal 30.20
DeepAR 9.13
NPTS 11.53

Top 3 models: DeepAR, AutoNHITS, AutoETS.

Distribution of errors

!pip install seaborn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
evaluation_df_melted = pd.melt(evaluation_df, id_vars=['unique_id', 'cutoff', 'metric'], var_name='model', value_name='error')


sns.violinplot(evaluation_df_melted.query('metric=="smape"'), x='error', y='model')

Choose models for groups of series


  • A unified dataframe with forecasts for all different models
  • Easy Ensamble
  • E.g. Average predictions
  • Or MinMax (Choosing is ensembling)
# Choose the best model for each time series, metric, and cross validation window
evaluation_df['best_model'] = evaluation_df.idxmin(axis=1, numeric_only=True)
# count how many times a model wins per metric and cross validation window
count_best_model = evaluation_df.groupby(['cutoff', 'metric', 'best_model']).size().rename('n').to_frame().reset_index()
# plot results
sns.barplot(count_best_model, x='n', y='best_model', hue='metric')

Et pluribus unum: an inclusive forecasting Pie.

# For the mse, calculate how many times a model wins
eval_series_df = evaluation_df.query('metric == "mse"').groupby(['unique_id']).mean(numeric_only=True)
eval_series_df['best_model'] = eval_series_df.idxmin(axis=1)
counts_series = eval_series_df.value_counts('best_model')
plt.pie(counts_series, labels=counts_series.index, autopct='%.0f%%')

sf.plot(Y_df, cv_df.drop(columns=['cutoff', 'y']), 
        max_insample_length=28 * 6, 
        unique_ids=eval_series_df.query('best_model == "AutoNHITS"').index[:8])

Choose Forecasting method for different groups of series

# Merge the best model per time series dataframe
# and filter the forecasts based on that dataframe
# for each time series
fcst_df = pd.melt(fcst_df.set_index('unique_id'), id_vars=['ds'], var_name='model', value_name='forecast', ignore_index=False)
fcst_df = fcst_df.join(eval_series_df[['best_model']])
fcst_df[['model', 'pred-interval']] = fcst_df['model'].str.split('-', expand=True, n=1)
fcst_df = fcst_df.query('model == best_model')
fcst_df['name'] = [f'forecast-{x}' if x is not None else 'forecast' for x in fcst_df['pred-interval']]
fcst_df = pd.pivot_table(fcst_df, index=['unique_id', 'ds'], values=['forecast'], columns=['name']).droplevel(0, axis=1).reset_index()
sf.plot(Y_df, fcst_df, max_insample_length=28 * 3)

Technical Debt

  • Train the statistical models in the full dataset.
  • Increase the number of num_samples in the neural auto models.
  • Include other models such as Theta, ARIMA, RNN, LSTM, …

Further materials

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